Good News #38: Jesus Cares for Me and He Wants Me to Cast All My Cares Upon Him!

casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Some people think God is only concerned with the affairs of world and the grand scheme of things.

If this is true then Jesus should not have said in Matthew 10:29-30…

“Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”

If the Father cares for sparrows then He cares for you.
And if He cares to number the very hairs of your head then surely nothing about you is insignificant to Him.

There is nothing that worries you that the Father does not want to take care of it for you. Nothing that you consider an issue will He ever deem petty.

The Father will never minimize any of what worries you.

If it bothers you…
if it worries you…
if it concerns you…
if it unsettles you…
if it robs you of sleep…
if it robs you of peace…
if it troubles your heart…
if it causes you anxieties…

The Father invites you to cast it all upon Him. He wants to unburden you. He wants to take care of it for you because He cares for you.

This is the gospel (good news) — the moment you believed in Jesus, you became a child of God. God is no longer just God to you. He has become a Father to you and He is far better than all great human fathers.

God The Father cares for you much more than you want to be cared for.
Cast it upon Him and He’ll take care of it because He has your best interest in mind… Because He cares for you…
Whatta God we have!