Good News #26: God Will Never Ever Leave Me Nor Forsake Me!

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5

Everyone who believes in Jesus… in His perfect and completed work of atonement for all our sins on the cross and His resurrection… know for a fact that even after being born again in the Spirit, they still commit sins. No true born again christian will ever claim perfection in their thoughts, actions and behaviours despite being perfected and complete in their spirit.

We never encourage sin but stumbling here and there… falling short of the glory of God (sinning)… is a reality for all christians, no exceptions, in this present world.

And I believe that God ensured that the words He had spoken to the children of Israel and to Joshua back in the old covenant, are written in new covenant scripture so that believers (the church of Christ… the body of Christ… the bride of Christ)… are assured of His ever-present presence in their lives despite still falling short of His glory in their actions.

Hebrews 13:5 quotes the Lord saying…
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

This clause ends in a period.
A full stop… which only means that it is unconditional.

The only prerequisite for this new covenant clause to be in full effect is that one believes and confesses Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

This is the gospel — that God will always be with and for everyone who believes in His Son Jesus. Period.

The gospel of Christ is truly good news.