Day 12: I Shall Receive My Rain in Its Season, My Land Producing Its Bountiful Yield – All Because of Jesus!

then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

Leviticus 26:4

Rain is always a picture of blessings in the Bible.

In Genesis, we read that there used to be a mist coming out of the earth that waters the ground [Genesis 2:6] .The earth lost this when man fell leading to the fall of all creation.

In Deuteronomy, we read that rain happens when God opens His good treasure [Deuteronomy 28:12]. This is God’s way of blessing the work of man because despite man sowing and planting into the ground, WITHOUT rain, not much would come out of all that effort. The cursed ground is dry and needs to be watered.

In the same manner, humanity can put in so much effort and hardwork but without God’s blessings, nothing much would come out of it. One could put in 14 hours of work a day and yet earn barely enough to feed the family.

But with God’s blessings, even what little effort man puts in, it is blessed. It is prospered. It is multiplied like land yielding its produce and trees of the field yielding fruit.

In the old covenant, this blessing from God had to be earned by man through religious observance of the rituals and animal sacrifices that need to be repeated over and over again but in the new covenant, because the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is eternal and permanent, everyone who believes and receives Jesus is guaranteed this blessing from God to prosper their lives and to make them fruitful.