Day 7: The Lord Will Establish Me as a Holy People to Himself – All Because of Jesus!

The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways.

Deuteronomy 28:9

The most common misconception of the word “holy” is that it is a state of being pious and religious.

But that’s not how the Bible defines it to be.

The original scripture text for the word that has been translated to “holy” is the Hebrew word qadosh/qodesh which carries with it the idea of being set apart, uncommon, different than the rest, one that stands out.

Here the Lord says He will establish you as a holy people to Himself just as He has sworn. This means that you will stand out from the world. This means your life will be marked with unusual favor on your life, unusual provision, unusual well-being, unusual abundance.

While the world toils and stresses over every penny, you work with enjoyment and restfulness, experiencing abundance of return.
While the world gets under the burden of the decline in health of what is called natural aging process, you will enjoy renewal of youth and vigor in life even as you advance in years.
While the world lives in fearful expectation of economies crashing, societal unrest, you live carefree knowing that you have been made a citizen of heaven by the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

Truly, when the Lord’s favor is on you, you become a holy testament of His goodness.