For All of God’s Promises Are Yes and Amen in Jesus! #promisekeeper

Unlike the casual promises that men often make (and break!), the promises of God are rock solid, they are clear commitments made by God Himself because God is faithful.

As recipients of the divine promises of God, we have full assurance that what God has pledged will indeed be realized. In other words, what God has said in His word, He will do and what He has promised, He will fulfil (Numbers 23:19).

We can fully trust in the promises of God.

Scripture tells us that the promises of God are all Yes and Amen in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20)

In actual fact, none of God’s promises in the Bible ever fail.

According to (Joshua 23:14), this is what is said, “not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed.”

God’s promises are there for us children of the Most High God to take hold of and enforce in our lives based on the finished work of Jesus, on the Cross.

No matter what you face, the one thing you can be certain of are the promises of God for your life.

God cares and what we go through in our lives matters to God.

Even the Holy Spirit is a promise from God to all believers.

Keep standing on the promises of God when it comes to anything that concerns you which includes your circumstances.

Cling to the Promises of God,
He is the one true Promise Keeper!