Day 15: I Am an Heir of God and Joint Heir with Christ

The moment one believes in Jesus, a rebirth happens in the Spirit. In this rebirth, the old spirit died and the born again is given a brand new spirit that is from God. The same spirit is grafted into Jesus.

When God looks at a born again believer, He sees past the earthly body and sees the brand new spirit, the righteous spirit which His Son Jesus had bled and died for. He sees Jesus in the born again believer and He sees Jesus.

The moment one believes in Jesus, the rebirth in the spirit made one a child of God and if one is a child of God, he/she immediately becomes an heir of God and joint heir of Jesus to whom he/she is grafted into.

and if children, then heirs,–heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.

Romans 8:17

Today, if you believe in Jesus, you are a child of God and you can ask of Him, your Father in heaven whatever you need — divine health, prosperity, provision, wisdom, blessed marriage, blessed friendships, etc. Know and believe that all these are inheritance paid for by the blood of our Lord Jesus. Again, for our part: only believe and receive!