Day 6: I Am a Friend of God; I Have a Direct Link to My Father

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

John 15:15

This is a pretty simple statement yet so profound. Back in the olden days of even just 40 years ago, access to knowledge was very limited. Today, we have the world’s knowledge at our fingertips. But what good is this knowledge if we have no idea how to use it. This is why it is important to study the Word of God and know that His wisdom is everbounding in the Bible. In John 15:15, He calls us friends and because of this, He will tell us what He has learned from the Father. Mainly this will be knowledge and wisdom not known to the world as it comes from a higher plane of existence.

Of course, this knowledge and wisdom coming from above will have to be translated and applied appropriately into this fallen world of ours for the benefit of Christ-believers. Let us never forget, though, that because Christ is in us, that we actually already know everything through Him. For instance, if struggling with something, know that we can always rely on the power of God inside of us. Know that it is not like the olden days, when we have to go to a “mediator” to get the power of God. The Power of God is within you, through Jesus Christ – the only Mediator we need now. And all we need to do is channel it in us and through us.

To channel it, all we need to do is form a connection with God. Try talking to Him about any problems, concerns; praise and thank Him always. Lift up your worries and cares to Him. It is never too late to start. In fact we can form this connection anywhere – and it’s through prayers. For instance, while working at your job, when at the gym, even during commute to work, it doesn’t matter. He is like a friend where you can call them and talk to them anywhere and anytime.