Day 4: I Am God’s Beloved – As Jesus is, So Am I in This World

BEFORE Jesus started His ministry when He walked the earth, the very first words of God The Father for Jesus was “You are My Beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”

A lot of times for most Christians, it is hard for them to hear (and they feel unworthy or assuming!) that they please God even before they do anything for Him. It is hard for them to hear that The Father is pleased with who they are, for them being them and NOT for what they are doing for Him.

It is hard for most Christians to believe their mere being pleases God. Why? Because they don’t have a revelation that they are already in Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:30) and that because they are in Jesus, The Father delights in them just as He takes delight in His dear Beloved Son.

Because as He is, so are we in this world.

1 John 4:17

Today, know that when The Father looks at you, He sees Jesus and because you are in Jesus, as to how He sees Jesus, so does He sees you.`