Good News #342: Because I Believe in Jesus, I Should Expect Good Things as Part of My Inheritance!

If truth be told, no real good thing worked for humanity after Adam and Eve fell in the garden. In mankind’s fall, creation also fell.

In short, everything went awry, and then it was downhill from there onwards — man started to experience diseases… man started to die… the earth started to get polluted… poverty came… the atmosphere became unbalanced… storms started to happen… earthquakes started to destroy the land, etc.

In short, everything in creation and in mankind degraded.

What once was perfection in creation… both of mankind and creation itself… became broken and corrupted.

Nothing good was working for humanity… UNTIL Jesus came.

In Adam’s disobedience, death came into the originally perfect world that God created.
But in the obedience of Jesus Christ, restoration started, and good things became available in this fallen, condemned, corrupted, broken world.

Jesus came to be our Eternal High Priest… He makes intercessions for us so that those who believe in Him and are in Him can have all the good things that heaven has available.

The gospel is this — every true believer in Jesus Christ need not live a hopeless, defeated life… because Jesus is now our High Priest… who through Him, good and perfect things come to pass.
Jesus is the gospel

But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation.

Hebrews 9:11