Good News #341: Because Jesus is in Me, I Am Never Alone When Working God’s Purpose for My Life!

Some of us, Christians, struggle with feeling alone in our walk with Christ. We struggle with the feeling of “missing out” because our priorities have changed. Deep within, there is a knowing that we just don’t fit anymore in the operating system of the world… and as we act on our changed priorities, some people fall off of our lives because we no longer share the same interests with them.

These struggles become more acute when Christians who are called into ministry get into ministry, and I suspect that these struggles stem out of the unrenewed mind… see, the unrenewed mind thinks this way — they are alone in the world and that no one is there who will stand up for them and walk their lives with them. This is not the case with the renewed mind because the renewed mind has been renewed by the understanding and the revelation of the truth of the word of God that says He will never leave them nor forsake them. (see Hebrews 13:5)

And even in engaging in The Father’s business which is the ministry of the Lord Jesus first before He commissioned us into it, the word of God says that The Lord works with us. (see Mark 16:20)

The gospel is this — the moment you believe in Jesus and receive Him into your life, you will never be alone anymore.
The Spirit of The Lord makes His dwelling in you, so He is available to you all the time until eternity.
Your experiencing Him is a matter of you acknowledging Him and allowing Him to work in you and through you.

He is the Third Person of The Godhead who enforces what Jesus has already accomplished at the cross… and thus, you’re not doing anything out of your own substance… it is the Holy Spirit who works in you and through you… you’re simply just a vessel who experiences this beautiful honor and privilege.
As a child of God, you’re not alone… you will never be alone because The Lord is always with you in the Person of the Holy Spirit.

And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.

Mark 16:20