Good News #330: Thank You, God, For Loading Me With Blessings and Giving Me Jesus as My Salvation!

It’s amazing how many people (and sadly, including Christians) attribute their troubles to something coming from the Lord. They make up reasons why He would give them trouble… They say He gives them to teach humility or draw them back to Him — this is absurd. It’s implying that God is evil and manipulative… because what kind of a good God would bring trouble and then present Himself as the Saviour?

People confuse their experience in the physical realm as truth when it isn’t.
The word of God is truth, and it says in the word of God that He is the Lord who daily loads us with benefits (and in other translations, who daily bears our burdens). It also says that He is the God of our salvation.

Salvation is deliverance from whatever is causing trouble… this means He saves us from the troubles of this world…
Nowhere does salvation mean being burdened by troubles.

If David, who wrote Psalm 68 (under the old covenant), could say this of the Lord under the covenant cut by the blood of bulls and goats, and if Hebrews tells us that we have a better covenant guaranteed by the shed blood of Jesus and His sacrificial death, then we can be assured that The Lord will continue to daily load us with benefits and bear our burdens now in the new covenant.

The gospel is this — All the wonderful things The Lord God had done under the old covenant can be fully expected in the new covenant and much more.
The covenant cut by the blood of Jesus is superior.
God is not a God who regresses in His majesty.

Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits,
The God of our salvation! Selah

Psalm 68:19