Good News #318: My God Provides Me Richly to Enjoy All Things and I Trust Him to Bless Me Unconditionally!

There is so much to know about the wonderful great goodness of our God — The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. It has been said that even eternity would not be enough to know the unfathomable goodness of our God…

Many of us christians have been exposed to teachings about The Son and The Holy Spirit… but there’s a pressing need to know more about The Father…

One of the ugly deceptions that religion has formulated about the image of The Father is that of someone who is only out watching to see who sins and then releases punishment.

Somehow, religion has managed to deceive sincere christians to think of Jesus as the good cop and the Father as the bad cop… where they think that if they displease The Father, they then need to run to The Son so that Jesus will appease The Father for them… this is a very sick and twisted deceptive religious lie born out of hell…

Jesus said that He and The Father are One (John 10:30)…

If we want to know The Father, we only need to look at Jesus and know that we are looking at the exact image of The Father… everything that Jesus does is everything that The Father is doing…

Hebrews 1:3 says that Jesus is the express image of The Father…
Colossians 1:15 says that Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Father)…

Jesus Himself said that He only does what The Father does (John 5:19)…
Jesus also said that anyone who has seen Him has seen The Father (John 14:9)…

And throughout the gospels we see Jesus — healing the sick, cleansing lepers, casting out demons, raising the dead, performing miracles of provision (wine, bread, money for temple tax), forgiving sins, acting out of compassion, etc… in short, richly giving all good things for the people to enjoy… for them to get their lives back and enjoy life and life more abundantly…

How Jesus is is how The Father is…

The gospel is this — Jesus showed us how much He delights to richly give to everyone who comes to Him…
What is true of the heart of Jesus is true of the heart of The Father…
God The Father delights in giving us all good things to enjoy…

Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

1 Timothy 6:17