Good News #290: Because Jesus Paid the Price on the Cross, God Never Looks at Me as an Enemy; I Have Been Reconciled and Saved by His Life!

In Luke 14, Jesus told of the parable of the great supper where many were invited but the invited ones altogether made excuses, namely:
⁃ having bought a piece of ground and having to see it,
⁃ having bought five oxen and having to test them, and
⁃ having married a wife.

Who buys a piece of ground and have not seen it?
Who buys oxen and have not tested them?

These are obviously excuses… but what about these excuses made the man who made the great feast angry?

In Deuteronomy 20, we read about the principles governing warfare, where the following are excused from going to war:
⁃ men who bought a new house and have yet to dedicate it,
⁃ men who have planted a vineyard and have not eaten of it,
⁃ men who have betrothed a wife and have not taken her, and
⁃ men who are fearful and fainthearted.

The ones invited to the Great Supper made excuses acting like they have been asked to enlist in the army to go to war instead of being invited to a great supper.

There are many layers to the parable as there always are to the wonderful teachings of Jesus but one aspect of this is an illustration of even us, born again believers.

We still act like we are at war against God when we are not. We still act like God treats us as enemies when He does not. We make excuses from coming to His Supper… His feast… His table… where every single need we have are met. We still act like enemies of God.

But the gospel is this — Jesus already paid the price… for us to drop the title “enemy” of God.
In fact, Jesus even overpaid it because His blood is Eternal blood… His blood is not just blood of a righteous innocent Man but the blood of a righteous and innocent God.

If you believe in Jesus, receive His Sacrifice and have faith in Who He is and what He has done, then God no longer marks you as an enemy but His child.
It is time to stop acting like God is against you because He will never be once you’ve been reconciled to Him through the death of Jesus Christ.

For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.

Romans 5:10