Good News #281: Jesus is Not Offended When I Look to Him for His Rewards – For He is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him!
Faith manifests in specific thought patterns premised on the goodness of God.
Faith springs from knowing the heart of God — which is oriented towards loving on people, not condemning.
Hebrews 11:6 tells us that faith allows us to please God… and the specific kind of faith it talks about is the belief that God is God and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him… It does not even say “of those who serve Him”… no, it just says “of those who seek Him”…
When one gets interested with someone, the most immediate response is to seek after that person… find out about that person, ask for stories about that person, etc… seeking is the most natural response to getting to know someone. We see this human phenomenon manifesting towards celebrities… people seek after them often with obsession…
Seeking has an idea of pursuing to get to know, to gain information about, to investigate to know, etc…
Where there is true bible faith, there is a deep belief that God is God and that He is The God who is a rewarder to those who take interest in Him… isn’t that beautiful? Just by getting to know Him, He rewards….
Where there is true bible faith of Him and His goodness, we draw near to Him with boldness.
Faith results in boldness in approaching God… and this pleases Him.
The gospel is this — God is not hiding from us.
He has made Himself known in various ways… the highest form of revelation of Himself He did through His Son Jesus.
God delights in us seeking Him and approaching Him by the blood of Jesus.
When we do, He rewards us…