Good News #277: Learning More About Jesus and Knowing Him More Intimately Brings Grace and Favor Into My Life!
Grace is unearned, unmerited, undeserved favor.
It is receiving something good from God that we do not deserve.
Jesus is Grace Personified.
None of us deserve Him and everything He did for us.
When Jesus came, Grace came upon humanity… favor came upon humanity.
John 1:17 says… Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
The gift of salvation is Grace from God… something we don’t deserve yet was made available to us through Jesus Christ.
The gift of righteousness is Grace from God… undeserved but available to us through Jesus.
The gift of adoption into the family of God is Grace from God…
The gift of eternal life…
The gift of citizenship in heaven…
The gift of the Holy Spirit indwelling…
and many others… are all undeserved, unmerited, unearned yet were made available to us through Jesus Christ.
These graces never came through any other means but through the Son of God who was revealed in The Person of our Lord Jesus…
The gospel is this — it is in the knowledge of Jesus and about Jesus that the graces of God are brought into one’s life.
The more one grows in the knowledge of Jesus Christ (not of one’s sinfulness and shortcomings), the more one receives and enjoys the favors and graces of God.
Jesus is the gospel.