Good News #276: Because of Jesus, I Have God’s Anointing and His Favor Abounds in Every Area of My Life!

Leadership, in a practical sense, is having influence over others to move with you in the same direction.

Smarts, diplomas, charisma, diligence and accolades can only take a person so far in matters of influence as far as leadership goes.

There are some, even with an abundance of these, who struggle in moving people within their scope of responsibility and authority to the direction they are heading for.

Yet there are those who effortlessly stir a sense of oneness among others and stitch them into one purpose and direction and set things moving towards it. These people don’t necessarily have the right educational background or amount of experience as others do yet they have great influence and they move others to take up a cause with them and yield their service.

This phenomenon is called “The Lord’s favor and anointing” — something that David, the writer of Psalm 144 knows firsthand. He was the youngest in the family, even someone his father Jesse forgot to present before the prophet Samuel when Samuel went to visit…

Yet God has His eyes on David and has chosen David to be king over Israel long before the anointing oil was poured by Samuel over the young David in front of his family.

When David was fleeing like a fugitive from king Saul who was unreasonably chasing after David to kill him, many came to David to serve him.

There were even three of his warriors who willingly risked their lives entering Philistine territory to draw water from the well of Bethlehem because they heard David long for it. David did not even speak it as a command.

When David ascended the throne, people yielded to his kingship and loyally served him.
This was the Lord’s doing… the effect of His favor and anointing on a person.

The gospel is this — when we take refuge in the Lord, He Himself will subdue people under you… not for you to dominate but to lead…
The Lord’s favor and anointing is the best known secret there is to a successful influential leadership even without the title.

My lovingkindness and my fortress,
My high tower and my deliverer,
My shield and the One in whom I take refuge,
Who subdues my people under me.

Psalm 144:2

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