Good News #274: When I Ask Jesus for Healing, He Will Come and Heal Me!

Matthew 8 opens with the account of Jesus healing a leper who came to Him. The leper knew Jesus can heal but he doubted if Jesus is willing to heal him.

Jesus settled the doubts and said to the leper, “I AM WILLING; be cleansed.” (see Matthew 8:3)

After this is the account of Jesus being met by a centurion who came for the healing of a servant.
In Matthew 8:6, we read the centurion saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented.”

Immediately in the next verse, we read Jesus saying to him, “I WILL COME and HEAL him.”
Jesus said so without checking if the centurion or the servant deserves it.

In the grand scheme of things:
Noone forced Jesus into coming to this earth to die for sinful you and me.
Noone forced Jesus to save us and redeem fallen humanity.
The work of redemption was something our Lord God alone thought of IMMEDIATELY after Adam fell in the garden.

In Genesis 3, when the Lord pronounced a curse over the serpent, did you notice that the Lord God immediately announced the work of redemption?

Genesis 3:15 (The Lord speaking to the serpent):
“And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”

Who is this crusher of the serpent’s head? Noone else but JESUS.

Long before Adam realized what he placed humanity in, Our Lord God already decreed the work of redemption… without having to deliberate whether Adam and all of humanity is deserving of His own sacrifice…

The Lord God knows none of us is worthy and deserving YET He came for us.

The gospel is this — If Jesus came to die for us long before we realized we need Him to save us, how much more will He willingly come (without having to check for our qualifications) to do for us what we cry to Him for?

He had already come and is now here… will He not heal you? of course He will.

And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.”

Matthew 8:7

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