Good News #270: Jesus Came to Bring Salvation to All Men; By Grace, I Receive His Salvation in My Life!

“By the grace of God” is a common expression among christians especially when we speak of things we hope to happen.
— I will graduate with honors “by the grace of God”.
— Our children will grow up healthy and successful “by the grace of God”.

Another common expression is “It is the grace of God” and we use this when we receive good things or experience good happenings.
— When we get the promotion, we say “it is the grace of God.”
— When we get that business deal, we say “it is the grace of God.”

And these are on point. The good things in life are indeed the graces of God and are manifested in our lives by the grace of God.

And yet, the bible gives us a higher revelation that “The Grace of God” is not just this beautiful concept of His wonderful provisions… but is, in truth, a Person — His Son Jesus.

Titus 2:11 writes “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men”.
We know there is only One who brought salvation — His name is Jesus.
So then we understand that “The Grace of God” is our Lord Jesus…

The gospel is this — Because “The Grace of God” in the Person of our Lord Jesus came and sacrificed His life for us, we can receive “the graces of God” in our lives.
Jesus is the gospel of the grace of God.

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men…

Titus 2:11

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