Good News #269: By Jesus’ Death on the Cross, He Defeated Death Once and For All; By Believing in Him, I Share in His Victory!

The death of Jesus on the cross which is the ultimate defeat of death itself — did not happen in a corner in Israel.
Jesus died at a place called Golgotha… a place outside the city walls.

An inscription placed on His cross read “JESUS of Nazareth, The King of the Jews” written in three languages:
Hebrew (the language of the Jews) and the languages of the two ruling empires at that time (Latin, of the Romans, and Greek, of the Greeks).

Anyone passing through can read the inscription and know about Jesus of Nazareth, The King of the Jews, hanging there.

On a spiritual scale, when Jesus died on that cross, all the eyes of heaven and hell were fixed on that spot… and as Jesus defeated death through His sacrifice, the entire spiritual realm witnessed His victory over death and all of hell.

This is why we need not fear the powers of spiritual darkness because Jesus has disarmed them, defeated them and rendered them powerless. They have no choice but to bend their knees and bow to The King of kings — JESUS.

The gospel is this — The victory of Jesus is a well-known and established truth in the spiritual realm.
The victory of Jesus did not happen in a corner in secret.
We need not fear spiritual darkness. We only need to keep our eyes on The Victorious King JESUS.

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

Colossians 2:15

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