Good News #264: Jesus Loves to Provide for His Children; I Will Never Stop Asking from Him for All His Goodness in My Life!

In Matthew, we read the story of two blind men begging at the roadside in Jericho calling out to Jesus.
In Mark, the same story is recorded but with a focus on blind Bartimaeus.
In Luke, the record is focused on an unnamed blind man.

But all three gospels record the same exact question Jesus asked — “What do you want Me to do for you?”

This is significant because in those days, anyone begging by the road would have to wear a prescribed garment/cloak to signify what their disability is that makes them legitimate beggars.

Jesus would have known they are blind…and yet He asked them what they want Him to do for them.

You see, the reality is that there are people with disabilities who do not want to let go of their disabilities because it earns them a profit… and while Jesus knows that they are blind, He still allowed them to speak what they believe they want Him to do for them.

Jesus is The Perfect Gentleman. He would never force His blessings on anyone.

In case some would think Jesus would only ask such question for a healing opportunity, the gospel of Mark records an account where Jesus asked James and John the same question. This might surprise some but the account was not about healing…. but about His very own disciples “wanting” seats of honor beside Him.

Mark 10:37 records:
They said to Him, “Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right and the other on Your left, in Your glory.”

And in reading the entire account, Jesus never rebuked them but instead, Jesus helped them understand that choosing who to sit where is reserved for The Father.

Jesus is not intimidated with our needs, wants, desires, ambitions… He values conversations with us so that in doing so, He gets the opportunity to provide what we want or provide a valuable insight of the workings of the kingdom.

The gospel is this — When we go to Jesus for our wants, He will never impose on us what He wants because love is not love when it is forced.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Just as He asked the two blind men, Bartimaeus, James and John “What do you want Me to do for you?” so will He when we go to Him and He will honor our response just as He did theirs.

So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?”

Matthew 20:32

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