Good News #263: I Will Never Get Tired of Asking from Jesus, For He Loves to Lavish Me With His Goodness!

In the book of Revelation, we read about the church of Laodicea to which Jesus says He is standing at its door and knocking.

Jesus knows and sees the actual condition of the church to which this church was blind to. Jesus knows they NEED Him yet He stands at the door knocking and waits to be allowed inside.

As The Most powerful God, Jesus can easily tear down the door and march into the church but He does not.
He stands at the door.
He knocks.
He waits to be invited inside so they can dine with Him.

Jesus knows our needs yet He wants to know if His provision is wanted.
You see, man’s free will is a gift from God and Jesus is never going to violate it.
He will honor our choice, whether we receive what He has to give or we refuse it.

In the story of the lame at the pool of Bethesda, Jesus sought him who had been in his condition for thirty-eight (38) years and asks him the question “Do you want to be well?”

This sounds like mockery if we don’t know the heart of our Lord Jesus who would never force His grace on anyone.

In all gospel accounts, not once did Jesus turn away anyone who came to Him for healing but the lame at the pool of Bethesda was not even seeking Jesus. Jesus Himself sought Him out and asked the question that changed the course of his life from thereon — “Do you want to be well?”

The gospel is this — Jesus knows what we truly need — health and healing.
When we come to Him for it, He will never turn us away.
And even when we don’t seek Him for it, He seeks us and asks “Do you WANT to be well?”
It would be wise to tell Him “yes” and receive because Jesus honors what we want.

When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”

John 5:6

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