Good News #262: Just By Looking at Creation, I Believe in My Heart That God, the Creator, Exists and Made Everything into Existence!

God never lacked in making His existence known.

The fact that creation exists tells us that there is a Creator.
The fact that there is order in the systems of creation tells us that there is a Designer.

When we look at nature, we stand in awe at its grandeur.
When we look at sunrises and sunsets, we stand in awe of their majesty.
When we look at the human body, we stand in awe of its wonderful intricacies.

These attributes (grandeur, majesty, intricacy, etc) came from One — God Himself who created and designed His creation that speaks of His qualities.

And even though we live in a world in its corrupted state, God’s creation still creates this response of awe and wonder… how much more if mankind had not fallen?

God has not hidden Himself from mankind. He displays His invisible attributes in His creation so that even through creation, mankind can recognize His existence and choose to seek Him.

The gospel is this — God can be known.
He gave us His word in Scripture…
And in fact, He Himself came down in the flesh to dwell among us
so that we can truly get to know Him..
Because He wants a relationship with us.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse…

Romans 1:20

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