Good News #255: Because of Jesus, I Have Become an Heir of God’s Inheritance; All That is of Jesus Right Now Are Also Mine!

Proverbs 13:22 gives us a point of reference to see how God, The Perfect Father, far exceeds any good man.

You see, when Adam chose to sin against God, Adam consequently severed humanity’s connection with God. Adam’s action made all of humanity children of the devil… children of the darkness.

And because we all came from Adam, we have absolutely zero claim over any inheritance from God.
In fact, we all have a sin-debt to God… something even our own lives cannot cover as payment.

Yet this is where the incomprehensible graciousness and goodness of God is displayed.

God Himself made a way to reconcile humanity back to Him.
God Himself made a way to have humanity’s sin-debt paid in full.
God Himself decided to give His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to accomplish everything that needs to be accomplished so that we can come back to God… with our debt fully paid.. and receive the gift of adoption into His family.

God owes us nothing.
We owe God everything.
Yet God gave us Jesus so that through His Son Jesus and His finished work at the cross, we can have everything… so that through Jesus, we can become heirs of God…

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children…
but God offered His Son Jesus…
His Son Jesus died the death we were meant to die with so that we earn an inheritance that we don’t deserve…

The gospel is this — God provided the death through His Son Jesus so we can receive an inheritance we don’t deserve.
God offers us a place in His family so that we can have an inheritance only Jesus deserves.
Whatta God we have!

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,
But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

Proverbs 13:22