Good News #254: Only Through Jesus’ Grace and His Finished Work That I Am Justified – My Works, Obedience or Anything Else Cannot Add To It!
What is common in every known religion is this — justification of man based on what man does… how man does what he needs to do… and whether man does more good than bad…
Religious justification is man-based. It is justification earned by man’s effort.
But real justification in the eyes of God as taught by Jesus Himself is not man-based. It is grace-based… in other words, ONLY by the grace of God do we get justified… none of our efforts or merits or credits or good works cause it or add to it… ONLY by believing in Jesus and receiving salvation and justification that He made available through His sacrifice.
None of our charity works… none of our church attendance… none of our ministry… none of our law-keeping… none of what we do can earn us justification in the sight of God.
Jesus said noone comes to The Father except through Him. (John 14:6)
A question that echoes in the old testament and even in the book of Revelation in the new testament is this — Who can stand in the presence of The Lord?
On our own, noone can because all mankind is fallen… none of us can justify ourselves… but Jesus made Himself The Way for everyone who receives His offer of salvation to be able to come to The Father.
Through His shed blood, His sacrifice, His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus offers us The Way — Himself — to stand justified in the sight of God… not by our efforts or merits but by Himself — His grace — His obedience, His goodness, His righteousness…
The gospel — Even though it cost God everything… the life of His Son Jesus, justification in His sight is freely offered to us by His grace.
It cannot be earned… it can only be received by and through the grace of The Lord.