Good News #251: I Have a Faithful Friend in Jesus; He Would Never Hurt Me and Only Has the Best Interests in My Life!

Whether born again in the Spirit or not, none of us will ever get to sinless perfection in this fallen world. One way or another, we are bound to hurt others whether family or loved ones or friends, intentionally or unintentionally, consciously or unconsciously… through our actions or through our words.

But there is One who would never even unintentionally hurt you… His name is Jesus.

As a matter of fact, because we are all bound to hurt each other…. and even bound to hurt our own selves through our careless thoughts, actions or words, Jesus came…

Because on our own, humanity is simply lost and helpless, Jesus came…

Because on our own, humanity even as friends are bound to wound each other, Jesus came…

Jesus came so that everyone who believes in Him and receives Him gains a Friend who will never hurt them…

The gospel is this — Jesus is The Friend we all need.
None of us deserves His friendship yet He came and freely offered it to us…
He even went through enduring the wounds meant for us so we don’t have to.
Jesus came so no one has to go through life alone.
Jesus came so everyone can have a friend who will never wound them.
Whatta wonderful Friend we have in Jesus!

Faithful are the wounds of a friend,
But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Proverbs 27:6

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