Good News #248: Jesus’ Dying on the Cross For Me is the Greatest Proof of His Overwhelming Love Towards Me!

We are all caught in an ancient conflict that still goes on until today, a conflict born out of a rebellion of a created being against The Creator… an angel against The Most High God.

When Adam chose to listen to the serpent and ate of the only fruit that God forbade him to do so, Adam inadvertently joined himself into the enemy’s rebellion against God… and because we all came from Adam, all human beings are born rebels against God…

The defilement of sin in Adam is in every human being born into this world… we are all born sinners… we are all born enemies of God…

Yet God showed humanity such love, grace, mercy by sending His Son Jesus to reconcile us back to Him legally, justly and righteously by condemning sin in the flesh but in the body of our Lord Jesus, instead of our own.

Romans 5:10 says:
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.

That is love… strong, responsible sacrificial love — dying not just for a friend but for an enemy (the one who transgressed in the first place) to reconcile him to the One whom He transgressed against.

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends, Jesus says…

Yet Jesus came to show us the Greatest Love — Himself, The Sinless One, The Son of God dying for all of humanity, God’s enemies… Himself, The Creator, dying for His created ones…

The gospel is this — The Lord Jesus is offering each of us, not just friendship, but love in its purest form.
Jesus died for all of us, enemies of God, so that we can be reconciled to Him.
Whatta God we have!

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

John 15:13

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