Good News #246: Because Jesus is My Provider, He Abundantly and Exceedingly Provides For All My Needs!

We know in the story of creation how God created the visible world through the word of His mouth. He spoke the sun, the moon, the stars, the seas, the land, every animal, every fruit tree, every herb into existence… All of these belong to Him…

Even mankind was fashioned from the ground (material that God also made)… and more importantly, the very breath in all of us came from God.

Everything under heaven belongs to God… and while God placed this earth under man’s stewardship and authority through Adam but Adam gave it away to the devil, all these things still rightfully belong to God.

But we know Jesus came to legally and righteously restore mankind’s stolen stewardship and authority over the earth in His first coming through His finished work at the cross… doubly sealing the rightful ownership and authority of God over the earth. The devil can no longer steal it a second time because it is no longer under the hands of reckless humanity but in the hands of the perfect God-Man Jesus.

Yet even though Jesus has all power and authority, He still offers humanity the privilege to manage the earth, have control over it and enjoy what truly belongs to Him through His name.

The gospel is this — God’s power to speak things into existence and Jesus’ rightful ownership of this earth are everlasting… so if you belong to God in Christ Jesus, know that everything is His… and He is more than capable of providing for you everything you need.

Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him?
Everything under heaven is Mine.

Job 41:11

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