Good News #245: Jesus Loves to Bless Me Because By the Fruits of His Blessings in My Life, God the Father is Glorified!

Some hold poverty or lack as a badge of honor to prove that they are “reliant” or “dependent” on The Lord that they end up being charity cases for others… but the glorification of lack or being without (especially for needs as basic as food for the next meal)… a state that some deliberately stay at… is unnecessary suffering; something that God does not want them to be at for an extended period of time.

God is the author of provision and abundance of it. Mankind’s existence all started with two human beings (Adam and Eve) having all kinds of fruit trees and herbs to feed from.

The idea of a perennial lack of basic human needs for those in Christ Jesus goes against what Jesus says about The Father in heaven who only gives good things to His children. (Matthew 7:11)

James 1:17 also says:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

The idea also goes against what Jesus says about what He came to do for those who believe in Him, that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Jesus came to restore to mankind what has been lost in the fall of man at the garden… one of which is living in His provision, growing in His provision so that those who are humble enough to receive the abundance of His provision can be a blessing to the ones around.

When God’s children learn to receive His prosperity and His abundance, The Father is glorified because it shows the world that He is not just a Good God but a Wonderful Father.

The gospel is this — The Father in heaven is glorified when His children stand out and are living as blessings to the world around them because of His overflowing blessings and abundance in their lives.

By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

John 15:8

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