Good News #243: Because Jesus is On My Side, I Shall Not Fear Anything!

When the bible tells us to look to Jesus… fix our eyes on Jesus… be focused on Jesus instead of ourselves… it is telling us to do so, not for Jesus’ benefit but for ours.

When the bible instructs us to worship Jesus… rejoice in Jesus… glory in Jesus… it is telling us to do so, not for Jesus’ benefit but for ours.

So much of His reality escape us because we are so wired into the natural visible realm…

We forget He is sufficient in Himself… He really does not need us… we, on the other hand, need Him… we can do nothing apart from Him… the very breath in our nostrils are from Him.

We forget He has innumerable angels to sing praises and worship Him… whose voices will never go out of tune… we, on the other hand, get raspy after an hour or so…

We forget that He has innumerable angels to go back and forth and do His word… angels whose strength far exceed all of humanity’s combined… (one angel is recorded to have killed one hundred eighty-five thousand enemies from the Assyrian camp… read about it in 2 Kings 19)… we, on the other hand, can get tired raising our hands in worship after five minutes or ten minutes max…

We need Him, not the other way around… yet even though He doesn’t need us, He seems to enjoy delighting in us as if He needs us so He can serve us… He delights in giving Himself to us… It pleases Him to be available to us for every need we have. It’s incomprehensible… yet He truly does.

So when the bible instructs us to know Him, acknowledge Him, focus on Him instead of ourselves, it’s really telling us something that is for our own benefit… because when we do, He takes it as us allowing Him to do for us what we can never do on our own… to be on our side in this journey called life where dangers abound…

The gospel is this — Fix your eyes on Jesus… the One who is beside you… the One who will never abandon you…
the One in Whom you can fully depend on that you won’t have space for fear…
When Jesus is with you, you need not fear.

The Lord is on my side;
I will not fear.
What can man do to me?

Psalm 118:6

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