Good News #242: Despite My Failures, Jesus’ Mercy Abounds in Me; God Will Never Be Discouraged as He Continues His Work in Me!

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been born again and following Jesus, we will all have moments when we’re not at our best… when we act outside of who we are in Christ… when we fail Him… when we do disappointing things that even we would be disappointed with… when we do things which when they are done to us would definitely dampen our love for others…

Failures are an unfortunate reality even for longtime christians…

If people fail us over and over again, disappointments would pile up and we’d get discouraged in that relationship… there would probably come a point where we’d give up on that person and leave…

Jesus would never do this to us.
Jesus will never give up on us.

Jesus will continue to work the good work in us and through us… guiding us… speaking His blessings and promises over us… celebrating us… shaping us… molding us… conforming us to His wonderful image… refining us… rooting for us…

Jesus will never abandon us even though there are a billion reasons to do so.

Jesus. will. never. give. up. on. us… because of Who He is, not because of who we are.

Your failures, your infirmities, your weaknesses, your shortcomings will not hinder Him and His work in you.
Jesus never fails.
Your not-so-best moments do not dampen His love towards you.
Jesus never gets discouraged doing what He does for you.

The gospel is this — Jesus never fails. None of what we do or not do can make Him fail.
None of our infirmities can discourage Him from continuing His good work in us.
Because that’s Who Jesus is… The One who never fails nor gets discouraged.

He will not fail nor be discouraged,
Till He has established justice in the earth;
And the coastlands shall wait for His law.

Isaiah 42:4

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