Good News #240: God’s Promises for My Life are Yes and Amen; They Are Fulfilled Through His Son, Jesus!

In Jeremiah 1:12, we read the Lord Himself saying that He watches over His word to perform it.

We also read in Isaiah 55:11 the Lord saying that the word that goes out from His mouth will not return to Him empty but that it will accomplish what He desires and achieves the purpose for which He sent it.

This means that if we believe and receive by faith the promises and blessings that The Lord has spoken, we can expect it to get fulfilled because The Lord Himself will watch over it to accomplish it.

We know this principle applies for when we first confessed being sinners and believed in Jesus as Lord and Saviour of our life.

We know that when one prays the prayer for salvation, the old spirit dies and The Lord gives us a brand new spirit… and He makes us the temple of His Holy Spirit… and makes us sons and daughters of the Most High… and makes us co-heirs of His inheritance… and makes us citizens of heaven… and so on and so forth…

We didn’t do anything other than act on His written word in Romans10:9 that says — if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

This same principle applies to all of His other promises and blessings written in the bible.

If the children of Israel experienced the fulfillment of all the good things The Lord has spoken over them in the old covenant… how much more will we experience all good things The Lord has spoken, now that we are in the new covenant (a far superior one than what Joshua and the children of Israel had)

The gospel is this — Not a word of any good thing which The Lord has spoken will fail.
All will come to pass.
Believe it. Expect it. Receive it…in Jesus’ name.

Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.

Joshua 21:45

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