Good News #239: Jesus is My Ever-Present Help, Whatever I Need Now, He Can and Will Deliver!

Most of us are good at relegating the Lord and Who He is to the past and to the future.

It is easy for us to believe He had done the miracles He did in the past… the ones recorded in the bible and even in the revivals that happened in history.

It is also easy for us to believe that He will do things in the future… perform miracles, signs and wonders in the sweet by and by when circumstances are perfect for them.

Yet, we find it hard to appropriate Jesus and Who He is in the here and now… in our present time and condition… even though all throughout the bible, we find the Lord saying “I am…”

In the old testament, He says “I AM the Lord who heals you”… “I AM the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt”… “I AM the God of your father…”…

In the gospels, Jesus says “I AM the bread of life”… “I AM the light of the world”… “I AM the good Shepherd”…

Even in the book of Revelation, Jesus says “I AM the Alpha and the Omega”… “I AM the First and the Last”… “I AM the beginning and the end”…

I AM… not I WAS… not even I WILL BE… He says “I AM…”
In other words, He is the ever present help we need in our time of trouble…
He is the ever present, everlasting, always is Who we need Him to be…

He was not just relevant in the past… He will not just be relevant in the future.
He is relevant in the here and now.

The gospel is this — Who you need Jesus to be in the here and now is Who He is.
You don’t have to lament over Who He demonstrated Himself to be in the past.
You also don’t have to wonder over Who He will demonstrated Himself to be in the future.
He is in the present. Who He is is in the present.
He is the “I AM…” of everything you need in life.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

John 14:6

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