Good News #235: Because of Jesus’ Sacrifice, the Wounds and Bruising He Suffered, I Receive My Healing and Divine Health Now!

When Jesus went through His sufferings on the way to the cross, He was not only carrying our sins and iniquities.
Jesus was also carrying all our sicknesses, diseases and pains… from the smallest headache to the worst debilitating rarest form of diseases to plagues and pestilences.

He carried them on His body on the way to the cross because He Himself wants to free us from the sin of Adam and its consequences which include the curse of sicknesses and death itself.

In John 10:10, Jesus said He came that we may have life and that we may have it more abundantly. Notice that He did not only speak of having life but even having life more abundantly.

Life and life more abundant is not just existing.
Life and life more abundant is absolutely not simply breathing yet being bedridden.


Life and life more abundant is being as alive as Jesus was when He walked the earth.
Nowhere in the gospels do we read Jesus getting sick… we don’t read about Jesus down with cough and colds.

Life is being full of vigor and vitality to enjoy life, time with our family and loved ones, to be productive, to be a blessing to others, to walk with the Lord, etc.

We know that it is by the shedding of the blood and death of Jesus that He would have completely atoned for our sins and saved us from hell and death… but why did He have to go through scourging that literally stripped His back of every inch of skin? and why did He have to be nailed on His hands and feet on the cross when stoning was the capital punishment in Israel?

Isaiah 53:5 answers these questions… it says that by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.
Along with atoning for our sins and saving us from eternal death, Jesus paid for the price for us to receive our healing and have a good healthy life, too.

The gospel is this — Healing and perfect health are the inheritance of God’s children.
These things are costly to achieve on our own in natural ways but Jesus paid the price in full and more over so that we can receive it freely through believing in Him.
Believe in Jesus and receive your healing all paid for two thousand years ago.
Whatta Saviour we have!!!

But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

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