Good News #234: Jesus Became a Man Like Me, To be My Friend, Savior and Redeemer!

It’s wonderful to have friends who are not afraid of correcting you and reeling you back to the right path.
It’s wonderful to have friends who will lovingly correct you and rebuke you without breaking you.
It’s wonderful to have friends who trust each other enough not to be offended when the correction comes.
It’s wonderful to have friends who, when you’re not in your best shape and lash out on them when they correct you, will not get offended.

But the reality is that friendships between imperfect people will always have tension… maybe not great a tension as one that breaks them apart… perhaps a little chipping away of trust and putting up a few walls…

Just like iron in the natural, all of us can get dull at times… and dull iron cannot sharpen dull iron…

But isn’t it wonderful that The Only Perfect Being in the entire universe, The Creator of all, came as One like us yet without sin and still as perfect as He is.

Jesus, The Son of God Himself, came to be Man in sinless flesh… The Son of Man…
Jesus came as the perfect iron to our imperfect dull iron…

And Jesus came to be our Friend.

Listen to what Jesus calls His disciples then, which is also what He calls those who believe in Him now.

In John 15:15 (emphasis mine), He said:
“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing but I HAVE CALLED YOU FRIENDS, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.”

You see, Jesus does not want us depending on each other’s dullness to sharpen each other.
He came to perfect each of us individually so we are sharpened indeed without hurting others.

The gospel is this — Jesus is heaven’s iron to our earthly iron.
Only He can sharpen and perfect us like no other.
Jesus offers you His friendship. Receive it and get sharp.

As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

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