Good News #233: Because of Jesus, God Will Complete His Plans and Promises for My Life!

Some think that after receiving Jesus into their life and believing in Him and His finished work at the cross, they are now left on their own to make it through and persist trying to be good until they leave this earth and go home to heaven.

Some think that when Jesus calls them to their God-ordained purpose in this earth, that they are left on their own devices to figure out the math and science to it, to make things happen, to make ends meet and to navigate through the labyrinth of life.

Some think that Jesus starts the work and they are supposed to finish what He started…

Yet, the bible is very clear on Who is completing the work… Philippians 1:6 (emphasis mine) says:
“being confident of this very thing, that HE WHO HAS BEGUN a good work in you WILL COMPLETE IT until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Jesus started it… and He will complete it.

You see, if it was possible to can rely on our own efforts then there would not have been a need for Jesus to come… but Jesus did come because the work that needs to be done is outside of man’s capacity to do so.

And so Jesus begun the work when He came as Man in sinless flesh…yet when He was physically taken away to heaven, He did not leave us without His presence because He sent The Holy Spirit to dwell in each of us who believe in Him…

The Holy Spirit is He who completes what The Man Jesus began.
They are both One and The Same but in different form.

The gospel is this — The good work Jesus began in your life He will complete through His Holy Spirit in you.
Rest in His completion of it.
It is not your striving but His doing through you.
What Jesus starts, He will not leave hanging. He will complete it until He comes.

being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ

Philippians 1:6

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