Good News #232: I Can Fulfill My God-Ordained Purpose and Potentials Through Jesus Who Strengthens Me!

During the last supper, Jesus spoke of the last of His seven (7) “I Am” sayings.

In John 15:5a, Jesus said:
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit;

and then He goes on to say in John 15:5b:
“for without Me, you can do nothing.”

These are words He spoke before He died and resurrected from the dead… before He ascended into heaven to be glorified and seated at the right the hand of The Father… before He sent The Holy Spirit to dwell in everyone who believes in Him.

Jesus said without Him, we can do nothing.

This includes the capacity to fulfill what we were designed for… what God had raised us up for… what purposes, dreams and potentials God has placed in us before we were born…

But all this has changed on the day of pentecost when The Promise of The Father (The Person of The Holy Spirit) was made available to everyone who believes in Jesus then and everyone else now and until Jesus comes…

Every good thing is possible now for everyone who believes in Jesus because His own Holy Spirit dwelling in everyone who believes in Him is The wisdom, The capacity, The strength and much more to fulfill every good thing we are designed to do and accomplish.

The gospel is this — Jesus did not leave us without Him.
He dwells in us permanently forever in the Person of the Holy Spirit…
to continue to do every good work He started in us.
Whatta God and Saviour we have!!!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

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