Good News #231: In Jesus, I Am Made Righteous in Him; When God the Father Looks at Me, He Sees the Perfectness of His Son in Me!

The old covenant, which was based on the blood of sacrificial animals, is focused on man’s doing… man’s glory.
The old covenant of the law demands that man attains a level of holiness and righteousness based on outward doings… based on man’s efforts to fulfill specific stipulations… based on man’s capacity to offer sacrifices for shortcomings.

For over a thousand years from when the covenant of the law was given at Mount Sinai until Jesus came, there was not one who was able to keep the law because the law was never given for man to fulfill. The law was to show man that on his own, he cannot and that he needs a saviour.

In the old testament, because the children of Israel were under the old covenant of the law, we read multiple times of how God spoke to them through His prophets pointing out their unfaithfulness towards Him, their transgressions, their turning away from Him, their forgetting His commandments… and the coming consequences unless they repent.

Yet, because the new covenant is based on the eternal blood of His Son Jesus Himself… the obedience of Jesus… the glory and excellence of Jesus, God points everyone to His Son… because it is through His Son and His finished work at the cross, that God’s righteousness is given as a gift to everyone who believes in Jesus as The Christ, The Son of God.

The gospel is this — today, God is not pointing you to your sins.
All sins have been dealt with on the cross in the sacrifice of His Son Jesus.
Today, God is pointing you to Jesus so that you know how utterly forgiven you are through His sacrifice.
Today, God is pointing you to Jesus so that you get transformed into the image of His Son from glory to glory through His Holy Spirit.
Behold Jesus. Fix your eyes on Jesus.
He is the gospel… the good news, even The Father declares Him so.

And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Matthew 3:17