Good News #220: As I Am in Jesus and He is in Me, When God Looks at Me, the Father Sees Me in the Perfection of His Son!

Noone can value the shed blood and sacrifice of Jesus far more than The Father who sent His Son can.

Even the longest living born again believer can still underestimate the value of what Jesus had done… but not The Father because He was there when it happened.

In John 10:30, Jesus said:
“I and My Father are One.”

The Father had always been and was definitely with Jesus when He suffered, hung on the cross and died.
There was never a moment when The Son and The Father were not One…

The Father has full estimation of the full extent of the sacrifice His Son had done.
The Father knows the full value of the blood shed by His own Son for you and me.
The Father will uphold and honor what His Son has done, even when we cannot.

We see ourselves and each other in our shortcomings and failures… but never The Father who is Judge of all.

So in the day of judgment, when The Father sits to judge all creation, He will never forget what His Son has done for those who believe in Him. The Father will see them in the Light of Him; The Light that exposes the perfect work of Jesus in the lives of those who believe in Him and put their trust in Him for their salvation.

The gospel is this — The blood of Jesus has perfectly washed away all the sins of those who believe in Him. His death and resurrection had perfectly redeemed them wherein their spirit is now identical to His… as Jesus is, so are they in this world… they have passed from death to life… never to be judged guilty in the courts of heaven…

Because the blood of Jesus and His sacrifice has perfected them by heaven’s standards.

Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.

1 John 4:17