Good News #219: Jesus Had Compassion for Those Who Were Hungry; It is Also His Will For Me to Have Food on My Table and Not Be Hungry!

Some of us Christians today, especially the ones in ministry, think we become holier or more spiritual when we suffer hunger or thirst or meager resources or without resources, living at the mercy of the charity of other people… often going on without enough.

Obviously, we are not advocating materialism or avarice but it would be wrong to say that being in lack or being without is spirituality because the bible does not support this.

Abundance… prosperity… are God’s idea.
God displayed this in the following:
-when He gave Adam and Eve more than enough.
-through Abraham, who is very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold.
-through Isaac, who prospered and kept on prospering at a time of famine that the Philistines envied him.
-through David who gave much gold to the house of the Lord.
-through Solomon who created much wealth in Israel that silver was considered of little value.

Abundance… prosperity… are God’s idea.
But how we respond to His abundance and prosperity is another story…
Yet it remains that God is a God who gives and gives more than enough…

Consider how in both accounts of Jesus feeding five thousand and four thousand… not including women and children… the bible says that everyone ate UNTIL THEY WERE FILLED… and yet after being filled, there were twelve baskets full of leftovers and seven baskets full of leftovers, respectively.

These multitudes were following Jesus for days…
In the feeding of the four thousand, it says they have continued with Jesus for THREE days…

If Jesus had compassion for the multitude who continued with Him for three days… who were not yet born again because Jesus had not died and risen at this point, how much more will He do so for all who believe in Him today?

The gospel is this — Our God is a God of compassion. Jesus displayed this all throughout the gospels. He will not have you go on with nothing to eat. He will not have you go on hungry and fainting.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
With the Good Shepherd, surely goodness and mercy shall pursue you all days of your life.

Now Jesus called His disciples to Himself and said, “I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now continued with Me three days and have nothing to eat. And I do not want to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way.”

Matthew 15:32