Good News #213: As I Continue to Hear All About Jesus, My Faith Grows and Becomes Alive!

Some of us, Christians, struggle with having faith to believe in a number of things… it could be different things for different people. Most of us believe this is a faith issue, that we just simply lack faith and that we need to pray for what measure of faith we have to increase.

Yet the bible tells us that faith comes… which means that faith is not something we produce… but something that comes to us… how?

Romans 10:17 says by hearing… and not just hearing anything and everything… but hearing specifically the word of Christ… The Son of God…

This means that for the areas where we struggle to believe for breakthrough, we look to the word of God on what Jesus has to say about it… or at least what He demonstrated about it… and as we do, faith comes.

So that if you are in need of healing, look to the gospels and read about how Jesus acts towards sickness or diseases. The gospels show us that everyone who comes to Jesus for healing receives healing. This means Jesus is for the healing of all who comes to Him.

If you need provision, look to the gospels and read about how Jesus multiplied bread and fishes… about how He had a fish deliver a coin for Simon’s and His temple tax. This means Jesus is willing to provide for our needs.

The gospel is this — faith is not something we work for or attain. It is a gift wrapped in the beautiful gospel of Christ. Having faith doesn’t have to be stressful. Hear and hear the beautiful gospel… the word of Christ and you get marked for faith to come upon and into you.

Whatta gospel we have in Christ!
His gospel is indeed too good to be true yet it truly is true!

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17