Good News #211: I Am Assured of This: Jesus Does Not Withhold His Favor and Mercy from Anyone!

There is no partiality with God. He cares for every single one of us, whether we believe in His Son Jesus or not… or whether we even believe in His existence or not.

Man’s denial of God’s existence does not stop God from giving to us.

Science tells us that in the absence of the sun, life in this world will cease to exist.
It also us that in the absence of rain, life in this world will cease to exist.

When God created this world, He created it in perfection… but we all know the story of how Adam transgressed against God in the garden… in his transgression, mankind became fallen in nature and in man’s falling, all of creation fell.

Yet God did not stop the sun from shining nor the rain from falling because He knows that these will sustain life in this fallen world. God did not leave us on our own without, even if it was our sin that cut us off from Him.

Now, if God does not withhold the sun and the rain from fallen mankind, both the ones who believe in Him and not, how much more will God not withhold the greater things from those who do believe in Him and in His Son Jesus?

The gospel is this — humanity continued to enjoy God’s creation and blessings even after being fallen… that ought to tell us that there is much more God has for those who believe in His Son Jesus and His finished work at the cross.

If God does not withhold the sun and the rain from fallen creation, surely God will not withhold the greater perfect gifts to those who believe in His Son.

that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 5:45