Good News #210: Jesus’ Blessings are Abundant in My Life, Yet His Blessings Will Not Overwhelm and Destroy Me!

What God has for each of us will always be something of a challenge for us to grasp because it is beyond our wildest human imagination. See, God is a God of more… much much more than enough.

Ephesians 3:20 says it this way (emphasis mine):
Now to Him who is able to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK, according to the power that works in us.

God exceeds what we think or how we think about what He has for us because God does not give based on who we are. God gives based on who He is.

And so because what He is is immeasurable, what He gives is also immeasurable… something our fallen nature cannot handle if He gives it to us in its fullness at once… and so God in His grace and mercy hands it to us in measure… little by little to allow us time and space to grow with it so that the fullness of His blessings would not overwhelm us.

In the case of the children of Israel, the promised land is already theirs because God gave it to them, even though some other groups of people are occupying it. Yet God had already decreed that it is the land of the children of Israel.

On their way to the land that is already theirs, they are told that God will drive out the nations little by little and not at once. This is because the children of Israel is yet a small nation and their number cannot sustain the work of protecting the entirety of their land… the farming of the land… the development of the land… God knew that if all the other groups of people were driven out at once, the wild animals in the land will overwhelm the children of Israel… they would fall prey to the animals in the wild like lions, foxes, wolves, bears…

God was protecting the children of Israel from the repercussions of the fullness of the blessings at a time when they are not ready for it.

The gospel is this — God’s heart is always to bless. Yet He also ensures that the greatness of His blessings for us will not overwhelm and destroy us in the process.

God truly sees to every detail of our well-being. He Himself will make sure that our blessings will not become our own demise.
Whatta wonderful God He is!

And the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you little by little; you will be unable to destroy them at once, lest the beasts of the field become too numerous for you.

Deuteronomy 7:22