Good News #205: God’s Goodness Never Runs Out; Jesus’ Grace and Favor in My Life are Eternal and Forever!

The goodness of God is independent of who we are and what we do.
God is good to you and me, not because we are good, but simply because He is.
God’s goodness do not run out when ours do.
He remains good even when we don’t.
Most of all, God is equally good to every single one of us… even to those who don’t acknowledge Him.

Jesus puts it this way in Luke 6:35:
“…He is kind to the unthankful and evil.”

His kindness is to all because that is just who He is.

Isaiah 54:10 says His kindness will never depart. This is remarkable because God spoke these under the old covenant of the law which focused on man’s obedience.

In the new testament, the book of Hebrews tells us we have a better covenant than what the children of Israel had during Isaiah’s time. The covenant we have now is centered on the obedience of Jesus, not on ours.

If this is so, there is absolutely more to Isaiah 54:10 under the new covenant than there was during Isaiah’s time. Here are a few examples:
~ rebirth… this was not possible in the old covenant
~ indwelling of the Holy Spirit… also not possible in the old covenant
~ assurance of heaven… not possible in the old covenant
~ being placed in Christ Jesus…

The gospel is this — If the kindness of God was a guarantee in the old covenant, much more is it so in the new covenant… the superior covenant cut by the blood of no other than His own Son Jesus Himself.

As a child of God, you can always expect God’s goodness in your life.

For the mountains shall depart
And the hills be removed,
But My kindness shall not depart from you,
Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,”
Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.

Isaiah 54:10