Good News #204: As I Let Jesus Be My Shepherd, The Blessed Life Follows Me!

Psalm 23 is the famous psalm about The Lord, The Shepherd.

It starts by saying “The Lord is my Shepherd”, which is really the premise and context of the entire psalm and its wonderful promises.

Now, the world teaches that the good life comes from working hard… harder than the next guy… striking while the iron is hot… getting ahead of the crowd, etc…

We are not against working hard… obviously, lots of christians do work hard… yet the christian kind of working hard doesn’t step on other people because it comes from a place of knowing The Good Shepherd would make things happen for them… that The Good Shepherd is really the One doing everything in the background and they’re just in it to enjoy the ride…

See, the psalm tells us that the Lord, the Shepherd:
~ makes one lie down in green pastures
~ leads to quiet waters
~ restores the soul
~ guides to paths of righteousness
~ prepares a feast
~ anoints with oil
~ overflows the cup

The Shepherd does all the work. And though He does all the work, the one who allows Him to do the shepherding gets pursued by goodness and love… by the blessed life. How truly amazing is that?

The gospel is this — When we allow the Lord Jesus to truly shepherd us, we don’t need to pursue the blessed life… because it is the blessed life that will pursue us…

Whatta God we have!
Whatta Good Good Shepherd we have in Jesus!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Psalm 23:6