Good News #203: Jesus Loves to Bless His Children, and With His Blessings, I Can Also Bless Others!

Jesus said, “…apart from Me, you can do nothing.”

If you want to be a blessing to everyone around you… to the world… then you need the blessing of God. You need to pray for the blessing of God to manifest upon you so abundantly that it cannot help but overflow to those around you.

When we try to “be” what we can only “be” in and through God, we will always fall short… there would always be something somewhere in our life that gets compromised.

We see this often in the lives of those who carve out success apart from God’s blessings. We see the area they put a lot of effort in to be truly successful yet other areas in their lives are compromised, e.g. family life, health, etc.

Not so with the Lord God’s blessings…

Proverbs 10:22 [NKJV] says:
The blessing of the Lord makes one rich,
And He adds no sorrow with it.

Proverbs 10:22 [JPS Tanakh] renders it this way:
It is the blessing of the Lord that enriches,
And no toil can increase it.

In other words, the Lord’s blessing makes one a true blessing because it enriches one’s life without sorrow… it enriches one’s life apart from laborious toil… it enriches a person spirit, soul and body and thus, is able to enjoy it… able to share it with others… and able to enjoy doing so.

The Lord wants to bless the world. Yet His blessings are designed to flow through people… people who learn to receive from Him instead of trying to earn it from Him.

It is God’s will to bless people.

The gospel is this — God’s greatest blessing came in the Person of our Lord Jesus and He wants to make His born again children mirror His own Son, Who in and of Himself is the Greatest blessing of all… The Lord God’s blessings allow such to happen.

No need to try and earn God’s blessings.
Pray, believe and receive.

I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.