Good News #201: Jesus is My Light and My Salvation; He is the Strength of My Life and I Shall Not Be Afraid of Anything!

It doesn’t take spiritual discernment to know we are living in perilous times where darkness, trouble and despair are.

One only needs to turn on the news to understand so.
And it’s easy to get trapped living in fear, afraid of what is happening… unless one belongs to the Lord…

Back in Exodus, a plague of darkness covered Egypt that the Egyptians could not see each other…
But the bible says that all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings — this is what it means to belong to the Lord.

In Genesis 26, a famine happened on the land…yet the bible says Isaac sowed in that same land and received in the same year a hundredfold and that the Lord blessed him — this is what it means to belong to the Lord; He saves you from famines and every other negative circumstance afflicting the world… and He gives you the strength to do things people of the world would normally not do in such circumstances.

The gospel is this — The Lord Jesus becomes Who you need in every circumstance in life. This is why He is the Great I Am.

In times of darkness, He says “I Am The Light”
In times of trouble, He says “I Am your Saviour”
In times of despair, He says “I Am your Hope… I am your Strength.”

Everything we really need in life is Jesus.

The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life;
Of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1