Good News #196: Jesus’ Grace is Available for Anyone; Lord, Allow Me to Share with Others the Good News of His Love and Salvation!

The created world was originally perfect but we all know the story of how Adam exercised his free will poorly and chose to eat from the tree he wasn’t supposed to.

It was downhill from here.

As man fell, all of creation fell.

Humanity was separated from God.

Jesus came to undo this separation of man from God that resulted from what Adam had done. This plan of redemption was God’s plan, which Jesus came to execute as Man (still 100% God yet 100% Man) to fully represent humanity.

Jesus did not just come for those who would eventually believe in and receive Him. He came for all because God’s love is for all… for the entire world…

Jesus came, suffered, died, was buried and resurrected from the dead for the sake of all humanity… even knowing that some would refuse to receive Him.

None of us can boast of salvation as if it is any of our doing… Jesus came for all. God sent Jesus for all.

The gospel is this — Regardless of what your past or present looks like, you can freely receive life… abundant life… everlasting life by believing in Jesus, Who The Father sent for all because He so loves the world.

There is no partiality in our God.

He welcomes all.

Whatta God we have!


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16