Good News #193: The Blessings of Jesus in My Life Make Me Rich and He Adds No Sorrow With Them!

There are many whose lives are enriched in specific areas (careers, businesses, etc) while the rest of their lives (marriage, family, relationships, health, etc) are impoverished at best.

This is a very common scenario in this world but this isn’t how God planned it to be.

God created the perfect world — the garden of Eden — where man was to simply enjoy what God had already provided before man came in the scene.

But we all know the story of how Adam chose the wrong tree and ended up condemning the entire creation into corruption…

Yet God never left humanity on its own. God loves the crowning glory of His creation — mankind… that even in man’s corrupted state, God continues to long to provide for humanity… to love on humanity… to pour out on humanity everything He has for humanity…

But because He respects our freewill, He waits for each of us to allow Him to bless the areas of life we bring to Him for blessings…

And unlike how it is with the world where what we pursue will cost us, God’s blessings and enrichment won’t cost us… it is free for us to receive… BUT it cost God everything… it cost God His own Son suffering and dying at the cross… to pay for everything that becomes free for us to receive… with no sorrow…

The gospel is this — God delights in blessing you in whatever area you go to Him for… and His word promises that His blessing will enrich you and will not cause you any sorrow in other areas.

Whatta wonderful Blessing God our God is!

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich,
And He adds no sorrow with it.

Proverbs 10:22