Good News #191: Jesus Came to Set Me Free from Captivity; Because of Him, I Am No Longer a Prisoner of Sin!

One way of defining sin is that it is falling short of glory… missing the mark of what should be as defined by heavenly standards of morality, excellence, etc.

Every sinful action has consequences…and unfortunately, the consequences do not only affect us personally but it can affect others… our loved ones, most especially, and those we have influence and authority over.

We see the devastating effects of sin in a family where a father is given to addictions… to adultery… the consequences of such not only affects himself but the wife suffers and so does the children. We see the destructive effects of fathers abdicating their leadership and responsibilities in the lives of their children… who, in turn, become destructive to society… sin not only affects the one who commits the sin but others connected to the one who does…

We see the effects of sin in a society governed by godless leaders… women, children, the poor, etc are treated as commodities… lives are treated without value… people are robbed of their rights, etc…

Sin causes far-reaching damage… the entire creation itself is a witness of the effect of that one single act of disobedience Adam did at the garden… all of creation is fallen and corrupted because of it…

We truly are without hope… IF NOT for Jesus who came bringing the gift of freedom and liberty — a hope that is not empty.

The gospel is this — The freedom Jesus came to give humanity… not only sets captives free but prisoners as well… us who are bound by the sin of Adam and others… and us bound by the sin of our own doing.

Every gift that Jesus came to give us is perfect and far-reaching even more than sin itself.
Jesus is The Light of the World… and He overcomes darkness… even darkness itself bows to the Name Jesus.
The prison of sin and death has been swallowed up in the victory of Jesus!

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;”

Isaiah 61:1