Good News #188: As I Please Jesus with My Ways, He Makes My Enemies Be at Peace with Me!

“You can’t please everybody” is a popular saying and it’s true because everyone has their own biases. What pleases one person displeases another.

Now, the question is who do you prioritize in pleasing so that you can live peacefully?
Is it your family? your friends? your business partners? your neighbors? yourself?

Proverbs, the book in the bible dedicated to revealing wisdom, holds heaven’s response to this question with such crystal clarity that there is no way to misconstrue it.

Proverbs 16:7 says:
When a man’s ways please the Lord,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

The bible’s answer is simple — please The Lord.

And did you notice the word “even” in the second line “He makes EVEN his enemies to be at peace with him.”?

This is remarkable because the word “even” indicates that those who are not enemies are already at peace with that man whose ways please the Lord…

This simplifies how to live an extraordinarily peaceful life — let your ways please The Lord and all others will be at peace with you, EVEN those who are against you.

The gospel is this — There is no need to pull ourselves apart in different places trying to please everybody and ourselves to have peace with people. The word of God says — please The Lord and He will cause you to experience the peace you long for with everyone else… EVEN those against you.

The ways of God are simple yet divinely rich in wisdom and able to do more than we think it can. His ways confound the wisdom of this world.

When a man’s ways please the Lord,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Proverbs 16:7